Frequently Asked Questions
Patients ask a variety of questions about acupuncture, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Chinese Massage but often these questions relate specifically to their ailment and its treatment.
However, there are a few questions that occur again and again so we are listing them here. Please feel free to call us on 01895 622288 to ask any other questions you may have.
Acupuncture shows good results with all of these conditions, as well as many others. We suggest you look at the specific pages for fertility, quitting smoking and relieving back pain because they contain links to more information.
2. How big are the needles used?
Very small. Acupuncture needles are considerably finer than a syringe needle and smaller even than a tiny sewing needle.
3. Will Acupuncture hurt?
Not usually. The needles are so fine that most patients are unaware that the needle has penetrated the skin. Most patients are aware only of a small 'tap' sensation in the area of the treatment, but little beyond that.
4. Is there a danger of infection?
At Acuherb Therapy Clinic we use pre-sterilised, disposable acupuncture needles which are thrown away immediately after each treatment. The needles are never used on more than one patient, thus eliminating the possibility of AIDS or other results of cross-contamination.