"Acupuncture is very effective for persistent or chronic pain especially if it is related to stress... skin conditions and allergies. Patients who have tried the usual medications, diet and relaxation therapies without success should consider acupuncture. It also works well for ... women's health problems, hormonal disorders, migraine and odd digestive difficulties."
Dr David Peters, Clinical Director of School of Integrated Health, University of Westminster
Popular Chinese Supplements
We supply a range of popular supplements and herbal mixtures based on natural ingredients. We will blend them in the clinic according to your needs
All can be obtained by calling into the clinic.
Our most popular supplements are:
Sexual Enhancement Herbal Remedy (commonly referred to as 'Chinese Viagra'): A pure herbal product that can significantly enhance male sexual performance and promote body energy.
Slimming Tea: Pure herbal recipes to stabilise appetite and control body fat.
Hair Tonic: Widely used in China to help re-growth of healthy follicles.